The Secret to Happy Tenants

Smiling realtor calling someone with her mobile phone with buyer looking around the empty room

As a property manager, keeping your tenants happy is Priority One. There are many reasons: it’s ethically the right thing to do … it’ll help you keep your job … it’ll make you feel good about yourself … etc. There’s also another equally important reason: Whether you’re in commercial office space or retail, satisfied tenants result in higher retention rates, which means more money in your pocket. Success can be found through excellent customer service. Here’s a few simple tips on how to accomplish that goal:


  • Make your new tenants feel at home. Roll out the Red Carpet when they first move-in. After they get settled, personally greet them with a smile and welcome basket with coupons and menus to local restaurants, as well as an emergency contact list. Show them you care.


  • Respond quickly to repair and maintenance requests. A tenant in need of repairs should never have to call twice. If your maintenance staff is struggling with repairs, it is time for you to invest in Landport’s online work order management system. Landport enables tenants to conveniently request repairs. Property managers can then schedule staff or service vendors at the click of a button. Tenants are automatically kept in the loop. The result: happier tenants that are more likely to renew their lease.


  • Take care of your buildings, and they’ll take care of you. A well-conceived Preventive Maintenance program will keep your properties in tip-top shape. And always remember to be in full compliance with local codes and regulations, especially regarding fire extinguisher inspection. Think safety and comfort.


  • Pay equal attention to long term tenants. Offer them a fresh coat of paint or related perk such a gift card to a local coffee shop during the holidays, as a way of saying “Thank You” for their loyalty. Landport can help you with such efforts if you don’t have the time.


  • Give a Tenant Handbook to every tenant. It’s a one-stop doc for everything they routinely request and need from you. Landport can help you prepare a online tenant handbook and/or hardcopy as well.


  • Respond quickly and efficiently to all tenant inquires. Measure and monitor your response time.


  • Know the score. Make sure you can create reports showing all repairs on suites, common areas and equipment that include how quickly the problem was fixed. Having the tenant-by-tenant work order history at your finger tips is invaluable during lease renewal discussions with a tenant.


Reduce your labor costs, increase efficiency and improve service, and keep your tenants happy …. with Landport, headquartered in Walnut Creek, California. Contact us today to discuss your property or facility management needs, and let us show you how we can help!