Hospitality Industry is Stronger With Strong Facility Management Software

Landport Systems facility management software for hospitality

Facility management personnel in the hospitality industry require the right software to help prioritize and improve work order tasking. This requirement doesn’t change whether they’re considering the ideal facility management software solution for one of their locations or multiple locations. When working with the right facility software solution in the hospitality industry, facility managers likely…

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Challenges Facility Managers of Solar Powered Facilities Face In 2018

Landport- Solar Powered Facilities

As renewable energy continues to show promising development and technological advances that are currently helping the industry reinvent itself, the solar power industry continues its growth as a booming energy sector. One crucial consideration for facilities that either partially or fully utilize solar power in their operations is the way these solar powered facilities utilize strong…

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Rating and Evaluating Suppliers and Vendors

Evaluating providers and tracking in CMMS

No matter what industry you’re in, service vendors and suppliers can have a major impact on the success rate of your business. It’s crucial to have a formalized system in place to evaluate service vendor and supplier performance, in order to ensure smooth operations and maximize your profits. Consider these tips for service vendor and…

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Landport is Breaking Down Walls For Facility Managers Across The Globe!

Landport Facility Manager Software Leaders

Why is Landport Considered the Industry-Leader in Work Order Software for Property & Facility Managers? Our new, simplified CMMS (computerized maintenance management system) software solution, X1, is quick and easy to setup and use, but that’s just the beginning!    It’s no mistake that thousands of companies trust Landport Systems to help them free up…

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The Pioneering Market Leaders of Online Work Order Management In The News Again

Landport X1 Work Order Management Software

For over 20 years, Landport Systems has lead the way in innovation and customer satisfaction when it came to online work order management and facility management software solutions. And, with the recent improvements and continued strides to break geographic boundaries as well as digital simplicity, Landport Systems finds themselves making news again. Recent news publications…

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Meet X1 From The Leaders in Online Work Order Management

Landport X1

Did you miss the BIG NEWS? Landport System has officially rolled out their new Landport X1 software! The exciting new version of Landport’s award winning work order management system is a giant leap forward in the user experience.  Founded in the Silicon Valley, Landport Systems, Inc. has been a pioneer and market leader in online…

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How facility management can reduce stress in the work place

Landport software reduces stress

The challenge to find ways facility management can reduce stress on personnel is a growing concern This article will highlight not only how facility management can reduce stress, but why its important to do so. According to The American Institute of Stress (AIS), job stress is the leading source of stress for working adults today, and…

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Understanding the True Power of a CMMS

Landport Power of CMMS

The lack of appropriate and routine maintenance of any business asset will quickly depreciate the value of that business asset; making it vulnerable to physical decay, security holes, and financial depreciation. The purpose of most Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) is simply to help the business owner take control of the asset management process with…

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