How Efficient is Your Rooftop Unit?

Get to know how to save on your rooftop unit!

Rooftop unit (RTU) air conditioners serve cooling to approximately 60 percent of U.S. commercial building floor spaces. With many (if not most) buildings in Southern California being host to one of these units to survive the sweltering summers, now that the winter season is upon us, it’s a perfect opportunity to reevaluate your unit to ensure that it’s working at its most efficient.

Older commercial rooftop unit air conditioning systems are common and can waste from $900 to $3,700 per unit annually! Even though RTU technology is becoming more and more efficient, the high cost of new RTUs and possible upgrades to older units make commercial buildings stick with the one that they currently have.

Organizations that are planning upgrades to their RTUs can join the Advanced RTU Campaign! This promotes RTU efficiency via high-efficiency replacements, advanced controls retrofits, and quality maintenance and installation practices, the campaign has impacted over 40,000 RTUs to date. Replacing or retrofitting inefficient RTUs can result in increased energy cost savings, improved efficiency, and occupant comfort, and can reduce a building’s adverse impact on the environment!

As a property owner, be sure to evaluate your RTUs for efficiency opportunities! For all of your property and facilities maintenance needs, contact Landport Systems in Walnut Creek, California!