What is the Work Order Process?

Business Processes on the Gears.Work Order Process Basics

Work orders are one of the most important aspects of your business. If you do not have the proper work order processes in place, it can lead to your employees wasting hours each day. Developing the right work order method starts with designing a basic maintenance management process.

There are six steps that make up a basic maintenance management process, which includes:

  1. Work identification โ€“ figuring out what work needs to be done.
  2. Plan work โ€“ planning how to execute the job in the most efficient way possible.
  3. Schedule work โ€“ scheduling work to ensure that it gets done in a timely manner.
  4. Execute work โ€“ making sure that the job is done properly.
  5. Record history โ€“ recording what was done, the tools used, and the amount of time it took.
  6. Analyses for improvement โ€“ looking over the record to see if the job could have been done more efficiently.

At each step of the basic maintenance management process, there is room for improvement and changes. It is important to keep in mind that this is only a basic model of a maintenance management process, and it may not fit your operations exactly. Tweaking the process in specific ways to fit your business is the best way to ensure that all of your work orders are executed properly and efficiently.

For all of your work order and property management needs and to be sure that the workflow of your entire company runs as smooth as possible, contact Landport Systems in Walnut Creek, California. We can provide you with the most efficient property management systems to ensure that you are not wasting time through the work order process.