Preparing For a Disaster at Your Property

Disaster Preparedness Tips A disaster can strike with little to no warning, and can mean complete destruction to your building. Knowing how to properly prepare for any disaster can help to ensure that your building and tenants stay safe during a disaster. Keep these disaster preparedness tips in mind to be ready for any tragedy.…

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Saving Time and Money With Property Management

Property Management 101 You have probably heard the expression “time is money,” and if you own a property, you probably know just how true it is. When looking for the right property management company to help your property run smoothly, it is important to keep in mind that not every company is built the same,…

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Preparing Your Property For Rental Season

Rental Property Prep The rental market tends to get very competitive during the spring and summer months, making right now the best time to get your rental property on the market. Simply creating a healthy, green landscape can help to attract a high number of renters to your apartment complex. Keep these tips in mind…

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How To Keep Your Building Safe From A Fire

Fire Safety Tips One of the biggest responsibilities of owning a building is making sure that all of your tenants are protected from any peril. A main threat to buildings is a fire, which can easily destroy thousands of dollars’ worth of property. Keep these fire safety tips in mind to help ensure that your…

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How Social Media Can Benefit Facility Managers

Social Media and Facility Managers It is almost impossible to avoid social media. From Facebook to twitter, almost everyone has at least one social media account. Using social media as a facility manager can come with many different benefits, including connecting with younger tenants and employees. While it can be easy to try and avoid…

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Emergency Preparedness Tips For All

Preparing for a Disaster While there is no way to know when a disaster is coming, being prepared can help to ensure that you stay safe. Keep these tips in mind to ensure that you stay safe in your personal life and as a facility manager, no matter what kind of disaster hits. Create an…

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What The Top Smartphone Apps In 2014 Can Tell Us About 2015

Top Smartphone Apps in 2014 Almost everyone has a smartphone nowadays. With the capability to search the web at any moment, smartphones can keep you more connected than ever. Smartphones also allow you to download apps that can help you stay in touch with loved ones or simply pass the time with a fun game.…

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Start The New Year Off Right With These Tips

New Year Facility Manager Resolutions As 2015 kicks off, it is the perfect time to make resolutions that can help benefit your professional life. As a facility manager, both employees and tenants look to you to fix any issues that arise. Keep these resolutions in mind to ensure that you are able to excel at…

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Create a More Efficient and Organized Company

Tips To Enhance Your Business Is your organization as efficient as it could be? Having a proficient business will not only allow everything to run smoothly, but it will also help you to save money. If you have a system that doesn’t seem to be working, it could lead to the failure of your entire…

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Is Your Building Ready for El Nino?

Californian property management El Nino Walnut Creek CA

Business owners should prepare their property now! While Walnut Creek, California is still warm and sunny for the winter season, be warned that it is not set to continue. El Nino is coming to California and soon! The predicted forecast is due to be reminiscent of the El Nino winters of before. The ’96-’97 winters…

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