Teaching Old Buildings New Tricks

Teaching old buildings new tricks Walnut Creek CACan you update your aged building with smart systems?

Many facility owners and managers assume that retrofitting older buildings with smart building systems and management tools involves too much capital investment with not enough return. However, computing and affordable technologies like real-time data and analytics software have challenged the financial question.

On average, intelligent buildings offer low operating costs than those with legacy systems. These buildings use 20 to 40 percent less energy and result in an 8 to 9 percent lower operating expenses with evaluations of 7.5 percent higher than those with legacy systems. While return on investment (ROI) varies widely among individual buildings, every building type and nearly all historic buildings can benefit from smart systems and management platforms.

A smart retrofit can go a long way, and it doesnโ€™t have to mean total replacement either! Smart building management technology can be deployed in any building with at least a few automated systems. From energy savings and more accurate budgeting to happier occupants and better building performance, here are some smart places to start:

  • Smart elevators
  • Smart lighting
  • Demand control ventilation (DCV)
  • Advanced security systems
  • Energy efficiency

To better your building, itโ€™s best to evaluate your current state of performance, and work to adapt and install new technologies to save money and stay safe! Your old building can be taught new tricks!

For all of your property management needs, contact Landport Systems in Walnut Creek, California!