Looking for Work Order Management System?

For all business owners, check out this system! As a business owner, you want to make the most out of your time and management. If you could do all of this in one system, wouldn’t you? If you wouldn’t, why not? Landport Systems is a pioneer and market leader in on-line work order management. Our…

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5 Tips for Rental Property Management

Manage your property in a proactive, effective process! If you manage a rental property, you’ll understand the importance of juggling tasks, revolving disputes, and maintaining the building. The best way to manage your business is to utilize these 5 practices and implement them today! Find the right renters Although this is easier said than done,…

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Increasing Your Energy Efficiency With The Right Products And Services

How to choose the right energy-efficient services and products. More and more companies are jumping onto the green bandwagon, which is good news for your property. As more energy optimization services and products hit the market, it can help to increase the overall energy efficiency at your property. Make sure to ask these questions before…

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Getting Your Property Ready For Fall

Property Managers Management Software Cooler weather is on the way, which means that it is time to make sure that your property is ready for the fall season. Taking the right preventive maintenance steps before the temperatures drop too much can help to ensure that you do not have to deal with any disasters this…

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Keep Your Apartment Building Looking Its Best This Summer With These Tips

Summer Maintenance for Apartment Buildings Summertime may seem like the most carefree time of the year. With warm temperatures, it can be easy to spend more time relaxing than you do during the other seasons. However, the summer season can mean serious issues for apartment building maintenance. Make sure to keep these considerations in mind…

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Keep Your Boilers Properly Maintained With These Tips

Boiler Maintenance Industrial boilers are an essential part of any commercial building, no matter if it is full of offices or apartments. While you are most likely aware of the importance of facility and preventive maintenance when it comes to your boiler, it can be easy to overlook the fundamentals. Keep these boiler maintenance tips…

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Creating a Bird Free Property

Tips to Keep Birds Away As the weather continues to warm up for spring, you may be seeing more and more birds flying around your building. While this is great news for bird enthusiasts, it can mean disaster for your building. Not only can birds cause serious damage to your building, but they can carry…

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How to Plan Your Next Hazard Assessment

Hazard Assessment Tips As a facility manager, safety should be one of your top priorities. You are responsible for the well-being and safety of everyone in the building, whether they are tenants or staff. The first step in making sure that your property is safe is identifying all potentially dangerous situations. Keep these tips in…

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We Are Proud To Be Helping The Alameda County Fire Department!

Alameda County Fire Department Case Study At Landport Systems, we can help all kinds of companies improve their workflow. Recently, we helped the Alameda County Fire Department with their on demand maintenance requests and preventive maintenance work orders. The Alameda County Fire Department (ACFD) is situated in the San Francisco Bay Area, and is comprised…

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Let Your Tenants Reach Your Environmental Performance Goals

Environmental Building Performance Goals While setting environmental building performance goals is a great way to help your property be a little more green, your tenants may be keeping you from reaching your goal. While this does not mean that you have bad tenants, it does mean that you will have to work a little bit…

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