Saving Time and Money With Property Management

Property Management 101

You have probably heard the expression “time is money,” and if you own a property, you probably know just how true it is. When looking for the right property management company to help your property run smoothly, it is important to keep in mind that not every company is built the same, which can lead to wasted time and money. Knowing what to look for in your property management company can help to ensure that you stay on schedule and budget with all of your necessary projects.

The biggest issue that a property manager faces is determining just how much time is spent on tasks throughout the day. While most managers know exactly how much money is spent and where it goes, they have a much harder time determining how time is spent, which can lead to hours being wasted.

Many property managers will choose to do a task themselves instead of paying someone else to do the job, because they believe it helps to save them money. However, they do not take into consideration the time that is spent on the job, which can take away from other work that needs to be done.

There are many small tasks that can waste time and money if the property manager does it, including:

  • Faxing over a work order
  • Entering rent manually
  • Folding and stuffing owner statements into envelopes
  • Answering the phone about vacancies of a unit
  • Answering questions about owner statements

For all of your property management and workflow needs, contact the professionals at Landport Systems in Walnut Creek, California. We will work with you to ensure that the workflow of your property is always at the optimum level.