Preparing Your Property For Rental Season

Rental Property Prep

The rental market tends to get very competitive during the spring and summer months, making right now the best time to get your rental property on the market. Simply creating a healthy, green landscape can help to attract a high number of renters to your apartment complex. Keep these tips in mind to ensure that your rental property is looking its best.

When the weather warms up in March:

  • Remove all brown, dead grass and mow the live grass to a two-inch height. Allowing your grass to get overgrown will look unhealthy.
  • Check your irrigation system to ensure that it is working properly. Test for any leaks or problems that need to be fixed before the hot summer weather comes around.
  • Fertilize the lawn about three to four weeks before your lawn starts to green. Look for a fertilizer with high nitrogen content.

When April showers are right around the corner:

  • Plant new grass, shrubs, and other plant life early in the month to ensure that they have enough time to get established before the summer arrives.
  • Since most trees have leafed out by the time April comes along, trim all your trees to prevent the limbs from being weighted down.
  • Apply pesticides throughout the yard. Aphids and fire ants start to come out during the warmer months. The faster they are treated, the less damage they will cause to the yard.
  • Put mulch around all plant beds. Mulch will help to keep plants moist to ensure that they grow big and strong.

For more tips on preparing your property for the high rental season, contact Landport Systems in Walnut Creek, California. We can help provide you with the right property management services to ensure the workflow of your property runs as smooth as possible.