Landlord Money Saving Tips

Property Maintenance Tips

As a landlord, it is not uncommon to cover the cost of most of the property maintenance and repair needs at your building. Luckily, there are many steps that you can take to help keep these costs as low as possible. Keep these money saving property maintenance tips in mind to keep your property looking and running its best.

  • Check detectors โ€“ regularly check that all of the detectors on your property are working properly, including fire and carbon monoxide detectors. If a fire or other peril should occur, having properly working detectors can help the problem be resolved as fast as possible.
  • Electrical inspections โ€“ hiring a qualified electrician to do an electrical test at least once every few years is worth the money. These inspections will help to make sure that all of your circuits and wiring are safe, helping to prevent electrical fires.
  • Gas appliance inspections โ€“ you most likely supply some gas appliances to your tenants, which makes them your responsibility to maintain. You should properly inspect all gas appliances at least once a year, or when a new tenant moves in.
  • External foliage โ€“ even if you are not responsible for the general garden upkeep at your building, you should look around to see if any branches or plants that grow up or onto your property need pruning. Greenery that is on or near your building can cause moisture damage and allow pests to make their way onto your property.
  • Grouting โ€“ the grout in bathrooms and kitchens can start to decay or crack over time. While it may not seem like a serious issue, the longer it goes on, the more damage can be done, which will cost more money to fix.

To ensure that you have the proper property management and work order systems in place to take care of any issues on your property, contact Landport Systems in Walnut Creek, California.