Are There Security Threats in the Internet of Things for Property Managers?

Mobile Tech is Shifting the Building Management Process

Find out threats that your business can face and how to protect it!

In building management, one of the biggest recent developments is the integration of mobile technology. The past decade has seen tremendous gains in technology with web-based systems, powerful hardware, and sophisticated software. The evolution of connected devices as nodes on the Internet of Things has brought limitless possibilities.

As more and more everyday things are being connected to the Internet โ€“ medical devices, automobiles, homes, etc. โ€“ the long-term forecast for the IoT is staggering! Itโ€™s estimated that by 2020, there will be 212 billion installed things! As with anything else technology-related, the connectivity of many devices can bring a wide range of serious security and privacy risks.

IoT applications fall into three basic categories:

  • Mobile or desktop applications that control IoT devices
  • IoT firmware and embedded applications
  • Applications on open IoT platforms (for example, apps built for Apple Watch)

While devices are getting smarter, so are hackers. Applications can be attacked in many ways. In the case of an IoT solution involving a desktop or mobile app that monitors or controls the device, often all the attacker needs to do is obtain access to the application and tamper with it to do what they want with the device – leaving sensitive information completely vulnerable.

All of these applications need to be protected or you run the risk of less-than-ideal outcomes such as:

  • Improper or unsafe operation of IoT devices
  • Theft of confidential data or private user information
  • Fraud and unauthorized access to payment processing channels
  • Damage to your brand image and deterioration of customer, prospect and partner trust

With the risk greater than ever, itโ€™s important that all property managers can secure their systems and apps. As technology becomes more prevalent, some buildings use multiple systems simultaneously.

As a building owner or facility manager, you may be ready to secure your software and streamline your processes as well as protect it! Contact Landport Systems in Walnut Creek, California to get started today!