Top Apps for Facility Management

Use your smartphone and tablet to benefit your facility management!

In this digital age, most of us are glued to our smartphones. As many facility managers and operation owners have plenty on their plate, it’s time to put that smartphone to work to streamline their processes. In turn, this saves time, money, and betters your management!

If you want to boost your productivity, keep track of your employees, and improve communications (and who wouldn’t?), download these apps to your smartphone pronto!

Dropbox – This is a free cloud storage app that allows you to access your photos, videos, and documents from any mobile device or computer. You can link your files to Dropbox, rather than attaching them to emails. Another major plus is that you can access these files on any device, anywhere!

ClockSharkPlenty of construction and field service companies want to get rid of paper time sheets and track time accurately. This app can do just that! ClockShark is a mobile time clock system that uses the latest mobile app and GPS technology to automate time tracking in a simple, easy way for your office and staff members!

Maintenance Manager – Managers can easily track technicians, assign work orders, and manage their tasks all from their tablet. With a personal login, you can track locations as well as technicians when you need to!

Landport Property and Facilities Management Software – This high-performance work order management is easy to use, reduces labor costs while increasing efficiency, and allows managers to handle service requests and maintenance better.

To get started on your management solution, be sure to contact Landport Systems in Walnut Creek, California!