How to Aid Your Employees in the Field

Your employees and contractors are in the trenches everyday on your behalf. So, what’s the best way for you to support their efforts?

Aid employees in the field with better communication systems.

Businesses are routinely looking for better ways of improving lines of communication between departments, staff and even consumers as well as increasing productivity while reducing labor costs. But, all too often, employees in the field are ignored or get the short end of the ‘resources or communication stick”. In reality, a business’s field workers are the ones who need effective communication the most.

Construction, maintenance, and building project managers may not only need to be sure the right workers get to the right sites at the right time, but they also need to track hours, parts used, vehicles, and equipment assets. The implementation of the right communication system for field employees can help overcome all of those logistical challenges.

Landport Workflow App - Request for employees in the field

Landport Systems has compiled a short list of just some of the top mobile apps businesses of any size can use to equip employees in the field!

MapQuest or Google Maps โ€“ Get your employees to where they need to go with either of these mapping apps! Your field team will be directed to their final location with turn-by-turn navigation, easy to read live vector maps and real-time traffic updates; directing your team around traffic jams and road closures when necessary, and easing their commute. And, in either case, your team can share their locations with the office for added accountability.

Google Maps Coordinate โ€“ Where would we be without Google? This app allows managers to track the locations of their employees. The app is designed to coordinate mobile workers who perform tasks outside of the office so that jobs get done quicker and more efficiently.

GoToMeeting โ€“ Team meetings can be one of the biggest challenges a business can face when managing remote teams. Timing is everything, and it’s not always feasible for employees to leave a production/construction site to travel to a singular office for the purpose of a “state of the union” meeting. Yet we know routine team meetings are vital for encouraging strong communication between employees, departments and management as well as keeping employees energized or inspired. GoToMeeting is video app solution that allows persons to join a ‘virtual meeting’ online from wherever they are; as long as they have a secure internet connection. Virtual video conferences allow face-to-face communications that may not otherwise be able to happen. And, face-to-face communications foster trust and a sense of cohesion between employees and departments within a business. The app also provides screen-sharing and writing tools to help highlight points of interest and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Landport Systems โ€“ Originally designed as a powerful online work order app to help improve communications between facility or property managers and property owners or tenants when a service question or work order was needed. The cloud-based application is easy to setup and allows facility and project managers to stay connected and on the same page with clear instructions and consistent communication with appropriate tenants, employees, or residents. It also allows you to send for, receive and approve work order bids, as well as send and receive final invoices when the work has been completed. And, now the app is being used in many other lateral business segments where owners or managers were looking for the same seamless communication and work order proficiency for their customers or field teams.

Effective communications systems and apps will help keep morale up which, in turn, improves productivity. They also reduce training costs and decrease employee turnover which, in turn, helps businesses keep administrative budgets on target.

Want to know more about the specific features and benefits of the Landport Systems app? Contact Landport for a free demo and learn how you can better aid your employees in the field today!