4 Smartphone Apps You Need This Summer

Smartphone Apps

Almost everyone has a smartphone just inches away from their hands at all time. While your phone can help you stay connected throughout the day, it can also help you make the most of the summer season. Consider downloading these 4 smartphone apps this summer.

  1. Wolfram Sun Exposure Reference โ€“ this app is designed to help save you and your family from the harmful effects of the hot summer sun. It will calculate how long you are able to stay outside without getting a painful sunburn based on your location, complexion, time, and SPF.
  2. PackPoint โ€“ if you dread packing for a vacation, PackPoint can be a lifesaver. All you have to do is put in where you are going and what you are planning on doing while you are there, and the app will figure out what you should include in your suitcase based on the weather and activities that you have planned.
  3. Sky Guide โ€“ get the most out of the clear summer sky with Sky Guide, which will help you learn how to spot planets, constellations, and satellites by pointing your phone towards the sky.
  4. GetMyBoat โ€“ if you find yourself next to a clear lake without a boat, do not worry! GetMyBoat works like Airbnb for boats, and will connect you with 30,000 boats in 135 different countries, from kayaks to yachts.

One of the most important apps that you should have on your smartphone is the Landport Systems app. Our unique work order and preventive maintenance software can help to improve the efficiency of your business, no matter where you are located throughout the world. Contact Landport Systems in Walnut Creek, California for more information on how we can save you money while making your business more efficient.